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Publication abstract
This paper presents a concept of an object pre-classification method based on image keypoints generated by the SURF algorithm. For this purpose, the method uses keypoints histograms for image serialization and next histograms tree representation to speed-up the comparison process. Presented method generates histograms for each image based on localization of generated keypoints. Each histogram contains 72 values computed from keypoints that correspond to sectors that slice the entire image. Sectors divide image in radial direction form center points of objects that are the subject of classification. Generated histograms allow to store information of the object shape and also allow to compare shapes efficiently by determining the deviation between histograms. Moreover, a tree structure generated from a set of image histograms allows to further speed up process of image comparison. In this approach each histogram is added to a tree as a branch. The sub tree is created in a reverse order. The last element of the lowest level stores the entire histogram. Each next upper element is a simplified version of its child. This approach allows to group histograms by their parent node and reduce the number of node comparisons. In case of not matched element, its entire subtree is omitted. The final result is a set of similar images that could be processed by more complex methods.