Scientific projects
Get more about scientific projects at the Częstochowa University of Technology
Below is a list of other research and development projects in which we had the pleasure to participate as scientists of the Częstochowa University of Technology:
- Learning algorithms for convolutional structures for the detection of steganography in images
- New structures of convolutional networks and methods of teaching them
- Innovative methods for searching and indexing of multimedia data using computational intelligence techniques
- Innovative Intelligent Data Analysis and Computational Paradigms for Industry and Healthcare
All these projects allowed us to develop a unique experience in research work on data and algorithms and related software development.
Experience and benefits
Experience and benefits of participating in projects

Expert knowledge
Expert knowledge in the field of algorithmics and artificial intelligence.

Various data
The variety of processed data and methods of their processing is an excellent experience.

Science experience
Scientific experience is an extremely important result of participation in these projects.