Publication details
Janusz Rygał, Jakub Romanowski, Rafał Scherer, Sohrab Ferdowsi: Novel Algorithm for Translation from Image Content to Semantic Form. In: Rutkowski, Leszek; Korytkowski, Marcin; Scherer, Rafał; Tadeusiewicz, Ryszard; Zadeh, Lotfi A.; Zurada, Jacek M. (Ed.): Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, pp. 783–792, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2014, ISBN: 978-3-319-07173-2.
Publication abstract
In this paper we present a new algorithm for translating visual information into a semantic form. In our approach we try to combine these two separate areas of computer since into one process. The main goal is to achieve very good performance at searching for similar images. In this paper we explain in details the design of the translation algorithm which is only one part of the whole process, but the most important one. This module is some kind of interface between information in the form of digital image and the information represented by lexems. We will also concisely demonstrate the structure of the whole SIA (Semantic Image Analysis) project.